Gain Insight into Specific Situations or Aspects of Your Life

We offer tarot card reading services in Redlands, CA

Tarot reading is a practice where a person interprets the meaning of a drawn tarot card to learn more about a specific situation, aspect or question. The Lovely Lotus Shoppe offers tarot card reading in Redlands, CA. Our reader will listen to your questions and use tarot cards to gain insight into your past, present and future. The more time you choose, the more in-depth the reading will be.

Call us today at 951-492-1920 for tarot reading services.

A table with candles and tarot cards on it.

Explore our tarot card reading options

We offer a variety of tarot reading services to choose from. Our services include:

  • 30-minute readings for $45
  • 45-minute readings for $70
  • 60-minute readings for $100

The longer the reading, the more insight that will be able to be achieved. Book your tarot card reading with us today!

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